Walking Towards

It’s been an entire year since I’ve written a blog. I’m not entirely sure why that is, and yet in some ways it makes sense. Let me explain— In the past, writing has been a way for me to get out my thoughts in an organized way—sometimes it has even been therapy for my hurting […]

That Day

It was a day in September—the year 2004. I had just graduated high school in June. I was attending a community college and majoring in dance education. Nothing fancy. Just doing what I loved but in a more serious manner. Still living at home in Lowell MA, and wondering where life was about to take […]


This is one of my writing assignments from a course with Bob Goff. In order to keep the nature of the class exclusive and private, I will not share what my writing prompt was. Enjoy! Two hours, twenty nine minutes, and seventeen seconds. That’s how long it took me to run my first half marathon […]